October 14, 2011

SF11 B. Biking as my transportation

My SF11 part B photos. I found that I was extremely happy without a car. At first it took a lot of effort to remember all the things I needed to bring and to make sure everything was secured as to not fly off. After awhile, I got really comfortable in navigating the streets. What an Indian Summer it was.

all shot on film.
color film: kodak ektar 100
bw film: kodak tmax 400 and fuji acros 100
cameras: yashica t4, pentax 67, nikon f3hp

Jen from bff.

Gabe's art here.

le cats.

Delores crowd post 1998.

Boot's bridgestone.

Her jacket was boss.


"He ate all the food at our friends funeral. Then he signed the guestbook w graffiti"

Boot's pad.

sinister cat.

arugula salad with tomatoes, grilled corn, parmesan cheese, salt pepper and lime.

My favorite ride.

Gabe's homemade spinach infused fettucini. I dressed it with fried garlic, tossed arugula, parmesan cheese, salt pepper and lime.


More arugula. The arugula from the co-op was the best I ever had.

12FV(i love sf).

SF11 A: West
SF11 C: I love sf

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1 comment:

Lorisa said...

question: where do you get your film?